spent a little while looking up the black ops multiplayer maps today so I figured I'd make The search a little easier for anyone trying to find the same thing.
Array is a map first revealed in Gamestop’s ‘Surprize Attack’ trailer. The map is another snowy map, most likely set in the Ural Mountains similar to ‘Summit’. The trailer gave us a great shot of the map from above, with a Russian Mi-24 ‘Hind’ helicopter firing down from above.
Array looks certain to be a great Domination or Capture the Flag map, with several snaking paths around the sides and several buildings through the middle. Other features of the map include a huge satellite dish that players can get onto, and even walk along the top edge, and also what seems to be a gigantic telecommunications tower that players may be able to get inside.
The communications equipment, and things such as military vehicles and cranes, lead us to believe that ‘Array’ is set upon a Russian military base, possibly still under construction. It is hard to provide in-depth strategies for this map based on the footage we’ve seen so far, but ‘Array’ looks to be a fairly close-quarters, yet large, map with few places to camp or hide out for extended periods of time. One thing for certain though is you can expect to see several different styles of gameplay on this map come release day! Finally, based on the aerial view of ‘Array’, it is possible to see that air support killstreaks will excel, as there are very few tight spaces, and there are at least three fairly large open areas where a Napalm or B-52 ‘Rolling Thunder’ airstike would be ideal.
Cracked is a map located in Vietnam. The first impression that you will get from this map is that it is a dusty, derelict, and war-torn town, with very few of the buildings intact. If you dig beneath the surface however, you will find out that ‘Cracked’ is a map that will play to the strengths of almost every gameplay style. Long sight-lines will give snipers and LMGs great opportunities to pick off stragglers who are unable to find cover, but the tight and twisty alleys will be the perfect playground for surprise attacks by assault rifle and SMG users.
Other features of the map are multiple levels, and some structures being almost totally destroyed (allowing you to leap from building to building in some places!). ‘Cracked’ looks to be a great map for Domination, with flags A and C at either end, and flag B almost dead-centre, standing proudly on top of a small mound. Capture the Flag will also suit this map perfectly, with several different routes to take to get from one side to the other.
The factions that will be doing battle in ‘Cracked’ are Op40 and the NVA (North Vietnamese Army).
Cuban jungle base with great indoor outdoor flow to it. cave like rooms and rocky terrain that opens up to a more wide open beach complete with landing vessels for cover.
A military practice facility set in a carved out jungle. smaller map for lots of action and plenty of moving targets for your dumb unsilenced team mates to show where your coming from.
Snowy Russian power grid with plenty of tactical locations for great battles
North Vietnamese prison camp excellent for headquarters matches
Cuban city filled with tactical street fights. looks reminiscent of crossfire from mw but better.
Jungle warfare with great vertical gameplay
Huge space launch facility that is perfect for any game mode.
Nuclear testing grounds, smallest map with fast paced action. There is some kind of reward for shooting off all mannequin heads in record time.
Fully operational plant, very balanced for all gametypes
Research facility on a snowy mountain. Fight from all angles.
Urban estate. Good corridors for long range fights.
An old Soviet base. Intense Capture the Flag matches
Call of Duty: Black Ops Map Walkthrough #14 WMD
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